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» Jual Pohon Palem Sikas, Taman Minimalis Pakai Palem Sikas
Jual Pohon Palem Sikas, Taman Minimalis Pakai Palem Sikas
Posted by andrieezzar
Posted on 12.50
with 4 comments
Written by : _andrie ezzar_ - Berbakat Taman Landscape info: 081213737658 or 089630080937 whatsapp. 089630080937 BBm Pin.D4AB3C0A

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mohon info harga sikas daun pendek, ukuran batang 50 cm, minimum order dan harga kirim ke denpasar bali
BalasHapusphone 081806850631
sadmada GV garden bali
Hapuswe wish to know if you are interested in the cycad seeds and Palm seeds we have for sale. we have
seeds of rare species seeds and also have propagated seeds of some rare species too .
we have for example the M.macdonelli, E.hirsutus and Horridus just to name a few .
We also have potted plants
Please do contact us to get our Catalogue on our Seeds.
We wide variety of rare palms and cycad seeds . All our seeds are very fertile and fresh .
free to contact us for more information .
Best Regards
BalasHapuskami ingin tahu apakah Anda tertarik dalam biji cycad dan biji sawit kita miliki untuk dijual. kami memiliki
biji benih spesies langka dan karena itu telah disebarkan benih beberapa spesies langka juga.
kita memiliki misalnya M.macdonelli, E.hirsutus dan horridus hanya untuk beberapa nama.
Maka Kami telah pot tanaman
Silahkan hubungi kami untuk mendapatkan katalog kami pada Seeds kami.
Kami berbagai macam pohon langka dan biji cycad. Semua benih kami sangat subur dan segar .Feel
ragu untuk menghubungi kami untuk informasi lebih lanjut.
BalasHapuswe wish to know if you are interested in the cycad seeds and Palm seeds we have for sale. we have
seeds of rare species Also have propagated seeds and seeds of some rare species too,
we have for example the M.macdonelli, E.hirsutus and horridus just to name a few.
We Also have potted plants
Please do contact us to get our Catalogue on our seeds.
We wide variety of rare palms and cycad seeds. All our seeds are very fertile and fresh.
free to contact us for more information.
Best Regards